Sunday, June 21, 2009

Feeling Fortunate on Father's Day

Today is Father's Day and I can't help but feel completely fortunate and grateful to have my father in my life. He stepped up to the plate and took on a role that he didn't have to. Never once has he introduced me as his step daughter. I have always been his oldest daughter, one of four children. My dad is an amazing teacher. Not just professionally, he's a high school teacher, but in general. I have learned so many life lessons from my dad. He always knows just what to say to comfort me and help me through good and bad times. He's crazy and funny always makes me laugh. The above picture totally shows his personality. He is loving and kind and truly an example in my life. I don't know what my life would be like without him. I know that his heart is heavy today. This is his first Father's Day spent without his own father. But, I know that he is grateful to have his own children with him today. Happy Father's Day dad. We love you.

1 comment:

lizzo said...

Awww...that's so sweet. It's so weird to think that he's your step dad; he's just always been your dad! What a guy!