Monday, January 23, 2012

Bye Bye Bottle

This crazy haired little girl is completely 100% off of the bottle. It's sippy cups only in our house now. I had decided that we were going to try to get rid of the bottle when Ella turned one. I thought this was going to be quite the challenge because Ella loved to have her bottle. She has a very strict bed time routine. She gets a bath, then her bottle, a story and bed. Ella knew after bath came the bottle and would start to cry when you put her jammies on because she wanted it so bad. All of a sudden one day last week she started to play around with the bottle and didn't really hold much interest in it. For 3 nights it took about a half an hour to feed her the bed time bottle. Taylor got frustrated and said "since we are almost out of formula anyway, let's just try putting her down with out a bottle." I decided we could try it. The first night she cried for literally 2 minutes and that was it. We just cut her off cold turkey and have been bottle free for almost a week now with out any problems. Now if the binky could be this easy. I doubt it though. While she did love her bottle she is way more attached to the bink. Oh well, one thing at a time. I will say that no more bottle makes me feel like I'm losing my baby. She's growing up so fast. She's becoming this little lady over night.

Ella Bean I'm so proud of you! You kicked the bottle before your first birthday! You're getting to be such a big girl!

1 comment:

lizzo said...

Parker did that exact same thing with his bink so maybe Ella one day will decide she's done with that too.