Tuesday, August 14, 2012

18 Months

Ella Bean,
I can't believe that you are 18 months old today! The last 18 months have gone by so fast and have been the most rewarding 18 months of my life. You have grown so much. It took you a while to start walking but once you got the hang of it, you just took off. You don't ever want to stop. You are still a pretty good eater. Your favorite foods by far, spaghetti, eggs, and just about anything with noodles. You love to sing and keep Mommy and Daddy entertained in the car singing to your Sesame Street CD. You are an extremely smart little cookie. You can say your ABC's and recognize all of your letters. You have so much fun in the bath tub every night going through the foam letters and telling me which ones are which. You know your numbers up to 10 and count anything that you can. You are very curious and are constantly asking "What's that?" Always eager to take in new things. You love your Mommy and Daddy and have even started to become more attached to Moxley. You call her "Boo" and love to throw the ball for her. You love to play with puzzles, books and your baby. You are still a huge Elmo fan and sing the entire Elmo's World song whenever it comes on the TV. You truly are a precious gift in the lives of all those who know you. I'm so lucky to be the one that you call Mommy! I love you so much baby girl.
